Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I figured it was time to write another entry here, and instead of editing my first post yet again (something I've done countless times already) I thought it best to just write a sort of footnote to that post.

In correspondence with a good friend last week this person told me that the name of my blog seemed quite depressing. I couldn't help but laugh. As I have already much explained why I titled my blog as I have I now wish to offer a more thought out (mature?) apology for my blog's name.

Recently I have been dealing with the reality of what Paul writes in Romans 7 on struggling with sin (emphasis on verses 21-25). At times I find myself questioning my faith because I do struggle with sin. I'm not sure if I can put it any simpler than that other than to say that I have been learning the hard way what it is to struggle with not just sins, but a life surrounded in sin. Every day I still come to this place of realising that following Christ is an EVERYDAY thing, turning from sin is an EVERYDAY thing, but I still want to get to this place of feeling like I have arrived at some spiritual "higher ground."

Also, in regards to my subtitle, "Thoughts of a Theologian at Large," I wish to state that by presenting this information that I, in no way, consider myself a Theologian in the sense of "Ph.D, writer and professor," rather in the sense of "I am a Christian." All Christians are/should be Theologians, in some sense of the term, in that they should always be able to follow the admonition of 1 Peter 3:15-16. It is my hope that most of my posts will express some theological bent, but I by no means promise this

Some of you may have noticed my change of bakground format. I did this for two main reasons: (1) having a black background and blog name that I do just seemed too depressing and (2) my previous background just didn't have the same quirkiness that fit my personality (not that this one does, it's just more my style).

Moving on...After this post I promise to actually start posting "bloggable material." I'm sure just about any of my profs from college would tell you about my need for extensive introduction and definition of terms/ideas so that once a person actually got to the point of a paper they knew exactly what I was talking about. But I promise I do have a number of blogs I've been meaning to write on a variety of topics (...not that you care, I'm just writing this for my own benefit), but sometimes I'm just too lazy to sit down and start writing...hence my self loathing.