Monday, December 22, 2008

By Way of Introduction...

Let me begin by stating that if you are even reading this I am surprised.

I am not really one for reading or writing blogs, if you haven't already guessed by the attached video clip; allow this to be my introduction to my blog for all those interested.

I would have to say that I am in almost full agreement with the comments made by 'Hank Moody.' When I saw this video I laughed as it seemed to clearly communicate my feelings toward much of our modern "communication" technology. When I see people (mostly) younger than I who cannot be detached from their mobile device for any length of time I feel like screeming. How someone can stand in a room full of people and still feel the need to "be in contact" with someone else of their choosing via some electronic means of communication is beyond me. And don't even get me started on what it is doing to the English language. A friend of mine once said, "The only connection you need is an internet connection." I feel that this has become the sad mantra of the upcoming generation.

Alas, while I am quite frustrated with this explosion of pseudo communication and monkey English here I am (much like 'Hank') starting a blog of my own. I am writing my own blog for a few of reasons:

  1. I wish to keep my writing skills, somewhat, sharpened. Although I do not promise spectacular grammar, eloquence or precise use of the English language I will try.
  2. Just to get my thoughts out there. I have heard that it is easy just to vent by writing at times (and indeed have found this true on some occasions) and so I mean to employ this method of...yammering.
  3. I also wish to, perhaps, establish this blog as a way of communicating feelings and thoughts to a number of whom I wish to communicate with. For those of you who are included in this group know that I do not mind the spending the time writing or telling you what exactly I am thinking, but know that after writing it in a few emails, or saying it a few times, I often find it loses much of its original punch from trying to recommunicate it over and over.
  4. In the past I have witnessed how blogs can be a great tool for people to interact and share ideas (mainly these are friends and profs of mine from college). It is my hope, in having my own blog, to enter this forum where I find thoughts to be more personal, yet retain their intelligible intergrity.

For those of you that do know me this blog may, on occasion, take on an angrier tone than you are used to hearing me use. This is just me being myself and I ask that you bear with me, I will try not to be too nasty.

In closing allow me to state that I do not think that what I have to say in necessarily profound or earth-shaking (I want to leave that to true movers and shakers); again, this is just me putting my thoughts out there. If you wish to comment on or discuss anything I write great. If I am ignored I'm fine with that too.

For a long time I have found the Internet to be a place where anyone can say anything they want, unedited and, often, not properly thought through or with some other annoying error. While I may not think that all blogs are written by "stupid people" much of what is found here is just drivel (perhaps even this). It is my feeling that the Internet was created as a resource to assist in the sharing of helpful information (don’t ask for a definition) and not a place where people are trapped and spend all their time. Time and thought was meant to be spent “within smelling distance of one another” with the tools of the Internet as an appendix or sidebar. Sadly people have become the tools of the Internet.

I am Joshua and this is my blog…hence my self-loathing.


  1. Nice to have you as part of the blogosphere, Rabbi Yehoshua. Now, like me, you're part of the problem.

  2. Hey Josh! I'm glad you are on here! Looking forward to connecting... even if only "virtually."
