Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Return...


Hello everyone. Yes, I am back and with a new look.

I apologize for my extended absence from the blogosphere. I could regale you with tales of how I've been too busy to blog over the last number of months, but we all know that would just be a lie. During my absence I have been places, seen things, and made notes about things that intend to blog about in the next little while. Possibly the most significant of these events was my trip to Israel in May (initially I thought that I had waited too long to blog about this even, but have reconsidered, especially since my friend Dr. Miller is still faithfully blogging through our trip. See Dr. Miller's blog here).

As a way to mark my return to my blog I have posted a video below from the Coldplay concert that I went to in Winnipeg, at the MTS Centre, for my birthday. While I did not take the video it gives a pretty good idea of where I was sitting.

Happy blogging all :)


  1. I was listening to Parachutes all the way through. It's not so rockin' as the others, but boy it's good.
